Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm a loser for life

Top of the mornin kids! I got up and did my run early this morning cause I have a baby shower to go to this afternoon and wanted to get it out of the way.  I wish I could be an early morning workout person, but it was a struggle to get up.  Once I got out there it was nice though.  Hardly any cars on the road and it was a great temp for running.

Also, a good friend of mine is running her first half marathon today too! I'm not gonna lie, I'm a tad bit jealous of her. However, considering on my wimpy 3 mile training run I felt like I was wearing cement brick shoes and my legs weight about a million pounds, I couldn't imagine running another 10 miles. I wish I could, maybe someday. Also I'm sitting here icing my shin cause I'm a real winner
please excuse the dirty socks and man-calves

Maybe someday I wont be so lame and will suck it up and run farther than 2 feet without getting is not that day

So good luck to my friend Emily!  I know she will do just awesome.  If you want the deets on the race she's running  here they are.  So if you're ever in the Minneapolis area, check it out!

Have a great day everyone, now lets hope I don't drink the baby-koolaid at the shower today, or else I'll have some 'splainin to do to ol' J-bobby....yikes.

they are!


  1. You rock dude. Doesn't matter how far you make it, it's that you aren't giving up even on the hard days! Says a lot about your dedication and your character! Thanks again for the support this weekend and if you need PT for achy legs, you know who to call:)
    Xo, em

  2. AnonymousJune 05, 2012

    Were they serving baby-koolaid? Just askin'
