Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Naked old men and Challenge Games Part 2

Hiya buddy!  Happy Tuesday to ya.  My day started off with a little bit of the usual...
i dipped this sammy in a LARGE amount of salsa
My afternoon looked a little like this...

Workout: Day 31 LiveFit - Legs
                             20 min. stairclimber

This workout was really great.  I pushed my legs hard today and it felt good.  Cardio wasn't on the schedule for today, but I had some time to kill before my Challenge Game (which was conveniently held at my gym), so I hopped on the stairclimb and did some easy steps.

Then it was off to the races! My second event was a kayak relay held in the gym pool.  We had another fun team, and toughed it out for a big win!
dream team #2!
ready to go!
cheering on Adam!  why am I standing like I have to take a turd??
It was so fun.  I wish I could do stuff like this all the time.  Maybe I'll just have to make up my own events and get strangers off the street to participate...I clearly have no friends, and I think its safe to say that I'm pretty sure I didn't make any  new ones as I was leaving the gym tonight. 

So, basically the locker rooms at the gym are connected by hallways, and you kind of have to weave around to get out.  Well I didn't take the right turn and ended up walking right into a locker room full of flabby, hairy, old naked men.  It felt like I stood there for an eternity before stumbling my way out. But the real question should be, why in Gods name wasn't their door closed, and WHY was it right next to the exit of the girls locker room/entrance to the women's?!  I think I have been scarred for life....

Once I stopped dry heaving, I made this for dinner
Veggie burger with carrots & hummus

Sorry for the barf-inducing post, but its not everyday you walk into a room full of bare-assed old folks.  So on that note, sweet dreams boys and girls!  I'm going to go wash my brain....


  1. AnonymousMay 02, 2012

    Are you kidding me????? Hahahahahahahahah, so funny

  2. AnonymousMay 02, 2012

    It is the locker room by the pool......did you...notice any....shrinkage?
