Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Med City 5k & Marathon in pictures

a nice shot of the ol' rear - I look like I'm standing still, I promise I'm actually running

comin' in hot!  can someone tell me whats wrong with my hands?

oh just hangin' with medal #1

me and my mom :)

oh hey, this guy looks familiar :)  with medal #2

 Like my head band??  Stop over to Simple-Trends , say hi to Nicole Brecht and buy one!

before the race - they look happy now...

and they're off like a prom dress!

 Isaac lookin good at mile 3

Mile 3 for ol' J-fly.  Livestong man, Livestrong

ha!  Mile 11 - not sure what hes smiling about!

Mile 21 - feeling the burn

Done and done!

this is the very definition of pain - makes me hurt just looking at it!

Marathon finishers!  #1 for J-bobby and #2 for Isaac

you again!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 29, 2012

    RE: Comin' in hot... try swinging your arms when you run...
