Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Deja Vu apology

So here I come (again!) with my tail between my legs.  Sorry guys, I’m such a crappy blogger I’m starting to annoy myself.  So here’s the scoop.  I’m trying to decide how I want this blog to be, and I came to the conclusion that I was being really strict with myself.  Blogging every day, logging every workout, and posting every meal.  That’s great for someone who can actually keep that up, but me, I have far too little motivation, so it was a great idea, but it lead to a big time burnout for me.  I also realized I don’t really like the gym, and fell off the wagon hard, like plummeted down a cliff and landed in a flaming pile of garbage hard.  I have eaten to many pieces of pizza, bags of Swedish fish, and far too little salad, fruit and veggies. 
noted...thanks carrot

To top it off, since Wednesday the 2nd, my workouts have been basically non-existent.  Now don’t get me wrong, I can still fit in my clothes, they just aren’t as comfortable as they should be.  I have a certain pair of jeans that I use as a gauge to see if I need to lose a few lbs ( I HATE the scale).  They are a size 4 (I wear a 4/6), and have absolutely NO stretch in them.   They fit well when I’m actually being healthy, but as soon as I step off the fitness train, they get tight, and let me tell you, those suckers are tiiiight!  Like lay down-suck it in-zip it up- not breath-tight.  So I’ve got to get it together, or I’m going to go down a road that I don’t want to.  I didn’t work this hard to let it all go.

I have come up with a plan though.  I’m going to try and eat mindfully, and intuitively.  Meaning, I will try and keep up the healthy eats, but If I want  an extra piece of toast I will have it, I will eat when I’m hungry and tell myself it’s OK J.  I am also ditching the gym.  Don’t get me wrong, the LiveFit Trainer is awesome and because it’s a free program it’s not like I’m losing money, but I think it’s something best saved for the winter months – so I will probably pick it up towards that time of year.  I also really enjoy working out at home, call me cray cray but I like it.  I can push myself super hard and not care if I look like a lunatic – which I most likely do.  I decided that I’m going to do another round of Insanity.  Its only 60 days, and I know first-hand that it whips me into shape.  I thought about only doing 30 days of it, but quickly slapped myself in the face and told my lazy self to suck it up and do the full round.  So I am.  Not sure when I’ll start, by Sunday for sure.

I’m still going to post my workouts, just to keep ya’ll in the loop, but not to the extent that I was.  If I have something really profound to say about a workout, I’ll say it, but that probably won’t happen cause I really have nothing useful to say anyway.  I’ll post my eats as much as I can, but I’m not going to make a huge deal about it.  I’m sure by now you all know I drink Shakeology every.damn.day, and I’m pretty sure you don’t need to see countless pictures of eggs.  So you can all breath a collective sigh of relief for that!
luckily, I eat all my eggs before they even stand a chance of being put in one basket, whew...crisis averted

I’m also going to blog when I want to, I don’t want to make it seem like a chore, or something I “have” to do.  So that could mean more than one post a day, or one every few days – just tryin’ to keep you on your toes!

So that’s the down and dirty, turns out I’m human after all and I have issues :).  Hopefully you guys can relate.  Also, J-Lance Armstrong is out in Moab mountain biking for the week, so it’s just me and the animals.  I don’t particularly like being home alone, so pray for me that I don’t just sit on my rear and eat my feelings all week – it could get ugly.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 16, 2012

    Its good to see you in print again... :-)
