Thursday, May 3, 2012

bad blogger I am

Oh, hey, so uh, whats been goin' on?  Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, I was busy um, washing my hair....

Terrible, just terrible, turns out I was doing something far more exciting than washing my hair. Truth =  I forgot and fell asleep...told ya it was exciting!  I'll do better, I promise.  Although, I was feeling a little crummy, probably due to far to many handfuls of random cereal and Swedish Fish, and was lucky I made it though my workout without completely giving up.  Even though I didn't give up, I was really lazy about it so it wasn't great, so I came home feeling grumpy.

Workout:  Livefit Day 33 - .....ummmm....

So, as it turns out, I was still feeling lazy and felt like my head needed a break, so I just wanted to do nothing and not think about working out or counting calories for one stinking day.  I have to admit, I have these types of days a lot, but sometimes I just hit a wall and need to zone out.  I try and eat well 85% of the time and stick to my workouts, but the rest of the time I just need a time-out from myself.....anyone relate?  I'm trying to get better at not beating myself up for it, and I always know I'll pick it back up, but I do it when I feel ready to give it my all, and giving it my all takes work folks!  So today was a break, it was nice, I drank margaritas after work...
on my mom's porch.  hey, looks like we need a refill...bartendeeeer!
Came home and  J-Bob Villa was doing an at-home version of 'This Old House' and was working on our backyard fence.  I would like to say I was a lot of help, but really I just kept going in and out of the backdoor telling him good job and grabbing hand fulls of trail mix
take this x10 = how much I really ate
I decided I better make myself useful or else I would get sucked into doing some manual labor, so I took a cue from June Cleaver and made dinner.
grilled greek pizza & bubbly water

I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday, I have been wanting this week to fly by cause Saturday we're picking up and bringing home our new family addition!  I'm so excited I can hardly wait.  You better believe there will be pics, lots of obnoxious, ridiculous pics!  Oh, and just I realized I will be a "mother" just in time for Mothers Day, so feel free to send me gifts.  You can email me for my address :)  I like sparkly things, pearls, and Swedish Fish - just the red ones.  Thanks!

I did kind of realize that, although I really want to post everyday, sometime life gets in the way, and the ol' blog takes a back seat.  Which come to think of it, is totally fine - its my blog and I can do what I want, when I want!  Yes, I realize that makes me sound like a 2 year old, but I could really care less. I will try to get it together tomorrow, and bring you back down to reality from this weird planet I'm on...
I may or may not be wearing my "space helmet"

Oh, I will also take a pic of the backyard-redo tomorrow when its light out.  It already looks hella better than it did before!  Have a great night lovlies, catch ya tomorrow.

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