Hey, so I know I said I would be back after my last post, but things got kind of busy 'round these parts and I never made it a priority to come back and blog like I said I was going to.(*cough* excuses). I know I know, I'm a terrible person, but aren't we all :) So I figured I would make it easy on everyone and just start with today and keep the train a rollin'. Plus, so much time has gone by anyway that I highly doubt you care what I did 3 months ago - you probably didn't even care in the first place. But now I'm forcing you once again to read this pointless drivel that I call my life.
So lets start! I've been running like a fool these past few months, and about 3 weeks ago was up to my longest run ever of 11.85 miles! I never EVER would have thought I could do that. I was runners-highing like crazy, and had a goal of hitting 13 miles in November. Well all that came to a screeching halt, when after a hard 9 miler my left hip/side quad (is that a thing?) started to hurt. It wasn't a sharp pain, but more of a dull ache that made me feel like the outside of my left leg was sort of "dead". I took 3 days off running, but still did the elliptical and stair climber like a mad man, and foam rolled the shiz out of the IT bands. I tried to run after that and this time had a sharp zing of pain in my left knee, it caught me off guard enough to stop me in my tracks. I walked a bit, then started again and made it about a half mile and had to stop. I stuck it out and ran the last 1.5 miles home (total of a 7 mile run). My hip/leg/knee continued to bug me the rest of the day. Since then I have tried to run a few times but once I hit 3 miles, I can feel my knee starting to hurt so I usually stop. So far I haven't run further than 5 miles :( It was such a weird pain too, it didn't feel like it was the muscle around the knee, but the actual knee cap itself. I have heard of something called a "runners knee" and from what I've looked up and read up on
Chondromalacia it sounds like it could be what happened to me. I'm no doctor
but I play one on this blog, but it seems to make sense.
Last Wednesday was the last time I ran, or did anything besides eat my feeling for that matter. I've gotten pretty bummed and feeling like I'm stuck. I decided I needed to change my attitude and maybe change my routine. Since its Fall here, its starting to get darker earlier and that causes me to want to just go straight home after work and throw on my sweatpants. I know, Jake is SO lucky to be married to me :) I figured I needed to get out of my rut and change things up a little, so I decided to become a morning person! Trust me, for the longest time these were the people I hated. Always so cheerful and excited to be up before the sun, but I think they might be on to something (or just on something,
Lance, I'm lookin' at you buddy) so I'm going to give it a try. That way I get my workout done and don't have to feel guilty when I want to sit and be lazy the rest of the night, win win! I may sound pumped now, but ask tomorrow at 4:30am if I still think its a good idea - I have a feeling I am going to hate life....
Oh well, onward and upward, I'll let you know if I feel great or if I feel like punching a baby. Either way, I'm going to test out running and even if I only make it a mile I will be grateful :)
and this blob will be at 5am! |