Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Exercising my booty and my right to vote

feeling like a VIP rollin' up to my polling place

Happy Election Day!!  Hopefully everyone already has or will get to the polls to vote today.  This is the 3rd election that I've been able to vote in and I still feel extremely grateful that I have a chance to let my voice be heard, even if the candidate that I voted for doesn't win.  I do make a conscious choice not to discuss politics - not because I think my opinion doesn't matter, but because of the nastiness that unfortunately surrounds it.  I have had to block/hide some people on facebook & twitter this election season for that reason.   I understand we ALL have the right to our own opinion, I just personally feel that it's best to keep things to myself and let things play out they way they are supposed to.  I am all for having polite, educated conversations with those who agree or disagree, but for the most part I think we all need to just put our money where our mouth is and VOTE for who we think can do the best job for our country - I know I did! 

Workout: TM run 5 miles 1% incline
                 10 min. stretch

My plan was to do a "longer" run today to see how everything felt.  I felt really good the whole time.  I even ended my 5 miles with a sub 8 min. 1/2 mile.  Not much, but its something.  Makes me confident that I haven't completely lost everything and I can still run fast if I want.  I told myself to keep it slow for most of the run, but that if I felt good, I could speed up towards the end, so that's what I did.  It still is just so weird that 5 miles at my pace right now isn't hard - I'm hardly breathing hard when I'm done, and the rest of my body definitely feels like it can run longer, its my damn gimp-knee that is stopping me.  I'll get there, its just a strange feeling.

 Dinner tonight was tasty,
pork loin, carrots, taters and bubble water

I will probably stay up way to late watching the election results - even though they most likely wont be finished until tomorrow a.m.  I can 100% guarantee that it will be a massive struggle to get up in the morning, my only motivation is to watch more news coverage as I run.

I will probably need BOTH of these in the morning...

Now I'm enjoying my cookie vote and watching the election coverage - have a great night all!

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