Tuesday, June 18, 2013

oh my god...shoes

please tell me you guys remember this?!  An oldie but a goodie.  Speaking of shoes, look at these beauties that showed up this afternoon

dont they just look FAST?!
My new running flats!  I cant wait to test them out.  There are super light, like its almost stupid, I picked up the box and it felt like nothing was in there.  If you are interested, I got the Mizuno Wave Universe 4.  I did a little searching and found a sweet deal on them here.  I have come to really love this brand.  I am on my 3rd pair of their training shoes ( 1st pair was the Wave Inspire, now I am hooked on the Wave Rider - awesome shoes), and this is my first pair of flats.  I am pretty brand loyal and when I find something that works I tend to stick with it.  I looked at some other brands/options for flats but kept coming back to these, so I figured to just go with what I know.  I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship :)

I wish I had these yesterday for my track workout - I wonder what kind of difference it would have made.  But flats or not, I did have another successful day at the track.  I had a ladder-type of workout that consisted of 4x200m, 2x400m, 1x800m, 2x400m, 4x200m. (with equal recovery).  With a warm up and cool down it was a total of 9 miles.  I honestly wasnt expecting much out of my legs.  My run the day before had been heavy and slow.  It's like my legs are "creaky" and just need to get used to a training cycle again.  I was surprised that they were able to move quickly though.  We did away with any sort of times for this workout and just ran.  I did have an idea of where I wanted to be, but for the most part took each one at a time and told myself to do my best.  When I looked up my stats on the computer I was happy with what I saw. I think I'm on the right track and will only (hopefully!) get faster and stronger -thats pretty awesome to think about :).

I do have one more hard workout this week that I'm hoping to test out my new shoes on.  I really want to break them in a little before I race on Sunday. 

So thats all for me folks!  I wouldn't be surprised if I sleep in my new shoes tonight :)

*Anyone else brand-loyal to a certian running shoe? Let me know if i'm missing out on anything!


  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2013

    Ha I know all about being loyal to favorite running shoes. I wore nothing but Nike and would often order them by twos from Eastbay I would be so afraid of them being discontinued (which of course eventually they were). I remember one time and one time only did I vary and bought a pair of Adidas just because they looked cool. I did not even make it through the first run. I remember walking home (can you believe that!) because they hurt and just did not fit right. So yeah, stick with what works and has proven success. So happy for you! Its the mental thing too you know, mentally they make you feel fast, the lightness will do its thing for you, just don't try and pound out 15 miles on the pavement in them! Love you and love your happiness and enthusiasm! Mumsy

  2. AnonymousJune 18, 2013

    Yes, I do believe it.

    Claire you have such natural talent that any shoe will work. Run like the wind for as long as you want.

    Your dad used to run barefoot because they couldn't afford shoes. He still won every race he entered.

    As your dad would say, "run with pride"

    KatB, Phoenix

  3. AnonymousJune 18, 2013

    Funny video. I dig the flats, they'll make a big difference & I like the "run by feel" workout it's important and will help you become more competitive during races(you race against people not a clock)that's how you win races. Be confident when you hit the starting line,you can't fake real talent you just keep working hard. Talk is cheap, true effort is real - that's what I believe. I know both you & Jake will be ready to go this weekend. Have Fun
    Run with Pride.
    Dave in Phoenix

  4. AnonymousJune 19, 2013

    Well well said Coach DB.
    Claire your pops is the real deal. He doesn't pretend and you have his talent for running inside of you too. You come from good Broze running stock. You're going to continue your path to success through all of your hard work and good genes.
    Your dad won't advertise this but I'll spout for him. His PR in the marathon is 2:44 and he isn't even a distance guy; it's 1:10 for the half; 31:40 for the 10k; and 15:30 for the 5k.
    Have a wonderful race this weekend! Same to Jake! We will miss you guys as Sam and Evan arrive on Friday. Next time! Or come on out for the Rock and Roll half or full (or 10k) in January. Our guesthouse will be built by then.
    Best to you both!
    KatB in Phx
