Friday, July 19, 2013

going green

Well hey!  Long time so see.  Happy Friday friendlies!  Ok, so there's been a reason for my absence.  I wish I could say that I was doing something super cool like " oh, sorry I've been missing, I was too busy running marathons while tightrope walking across the Hoover Dam while pulling a boat....with my teeth", but alas I'm NOT super cool, and have spent the better part of, well honestly 2.5 weeks, being injured and hating my left hip/knee/leg/life in general.  I will spare you the specifics, but last week I ran a whopping 18 miles, and this week an earth-shattering.....5 ( whomp whomp).  Thats right, I ran on Monday - it was painful, I felt defeated, and actually stopped halfway though and cried a little.  Yes, I'm dramatic and this is a total #firstworldproblem.  After an email with Nichole it was decided I take Tues-Fri of this week completely OFF.  I think I cried again when I read that.  Again, see above dramatics. 

However, after some appointments with chiropractor Jim (miracle worker I swear!), and a good pep talk.  I realized that this is (hopefully), short lived, and that I need to not focus on that past ( i.e. how was I able to run 13 miles just 2 weeks ago and now I'm not even taking a step?!), and not focus on the future either ( i.e. how will I ever be able to get my training back to where it was going, adios Fall half PR), and instead focus on the present ( i.e. I am feeling better today, can walk normally with minimal pain/soreness, my house has never been cleaner!).  I am hoping I can run this weekend, even for a few miles.  I just keep looking at my Wave Riders sitting sad in the corner waiting to hit the pavement. 

But enough with that - there's nothing I can do but wait it out, and continue to figure out other ways to keep myself healthy.  With this new found time off, I've had the chance to read up on a lot of nutrition and even though a green smoothie may not heal my bum leg, it sure cant hurt my overall wellbeing, so folks, we're going green!

see all the bagged green on the left?  we've got kale, spinach, leaf lettuce, power greens, and more green veg.  yea buddy! also notice the tofu front and it another try...we'll see how it goes

Yea, I shop at Walmart.  Listen, I'm poor and cant afford a $16 box of quinoa from the co-op or fancy chia seed-kombucha-sprouted wheat grass mumbo jumbo from Whole Foods.  I prefer to get the most for my pennies and turns out, Wally World can have some pretty good options for produce, plus I can 100% guarantee that the people watching is MUCH more entertaining there.  I also dont own an electric car or reuseable shopping bags so I probably wouldnt be let in to those fancy organic stores anyway.  Maybe one day I will just plant an actual produce garden that way I can avoid it all together and just shop in my backyard ( wait, that's sounding a little hippy-dippy now...).

Remember how I wanted to start eating more  real food?  This goes right along with it.  I found that I was making a lot of bread and carby things.  Not that carbs are bad, especially when I know the exact ingredients.  But I realized I cannot live on wheat bread and tortillas alone ( bummer).  So I'm going to start making a better effort to jazz things up and get some more colorful variety. 

My point to all this is while I'm resting and not running to heal my muscles, I also need to work on healing the rest of me, and need to start getting more variety and good stuff in my body.  So greens and more fresh produce it is!  Plus cutting back on any sweets and finding different recipes and options for those things ( I already have a few I'm going to make this weekend - I'll post the recipes if they turn out) 

So don't be surprised if I go to the dark side and you see a green smoothie pop up on here.


  1. AnonymousJuly 20, 2013

    Sounds great! I've added cantaloupe and/or cucumbers to my vegetable smoothies in the past. It sweetens them up a bit. Have fun trying your new recipes!
    KatB, Phoenix

  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2013

    People eat Kale ? :)

    Fun blog to read. The joy of being an athlete is learning how to handle the nick's & bumps. You'll be back.
    Run with Pride.
    Dad in Phoenix
