Wednesday, May 7, 2014

crawling out from under my rock....

Holy smokes!  It's been a long time since I've been here. Turns out when things arent going my way I throw a tantrum and crawl in a hole.  I was on such a roll too.....oh well, such if life.  I do owe you guys a recap of my last race, but I'll warn you now, it's wasnt a great day, and to be honest, I've had a rough couple of weeks dealing with some stupid injuries.
But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about FARGO!!!
As I've mentioned before I'm headed back up to Fargo this weekend to run the half marathon.  I'm super excited about this because I'm running with one of my bestest friends.
Hi Em!
I'm going to help pace her for the race and I just know shes going to crush it!  Plus its the 10th Anniversary of the Fargo Marathon, so it's just going to be one big, running party!  I'm just hoping that with my lack of running lately I dont get left in the dust, but even if I do, I'll have about 20,000 of my friends to run with :)
We are heading up Friday afternoon to check out the expo and get our packets.  I'll take pics a long the way, and if it's anything like last year, it should be a blastie, although, those are some big shoes to fill :)
oh, and speaking of shoes, I got some sparly new ones!

Wave Sayonara!
Although, it might be a good thing I'm not running as much right now, because they are a lighter than the Wave Riders and more of a "race" shoe, they will take some getting used to, so I'm trying to ease my way into them.  My plan is to have them as my race shoe for MPLS in June.
Ok, thats all from me for now.  Oh!, and if any of you are going to be up running Fargo let me know.  I'll be representing TNC in my bright pink!


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