Monday, May 6, 2013

Nick Clare Memorial Race recap

Hi again!   Like I mentioned before, I had another 5k race on Saturday.  This was to be one last fast race before Fargo - which is next weekend, as in 12 days from now, as in, holy smokes it's coming up soon!

Anyway, the race on Saturday was in Hastings which was great because it was only about a 20 min drive.  The downside was that it was cold and drizzly all morning so that meant racing in capris and a long sleeve.  I have found that I really don't like racing in anything other than shorts - tights/capris make me feel too bulky.  I also probably could have gotten away without a long sleeve but I just wasn't sure. 

That morning, Jake decided to run the race too.  I asked him if he wanted to really "race" it, or just run it for fun.  He wasn't sure, so he offered to help pace me, which was great, all I had to think about was sticking with him and he controlled the pace.  Once we got there, we did a quick mile warm up and a few striders, we got in line all of a sudden the announce just shouted "GO!".  No warning or anything!  It was actually pretty funny, there definitely wasn't time to stand around a be nervous :)

I really wanted to beat my previous time of 21:35 from the Irish Run, so I told Jake to take the first mile at anything sub-7 (to avoid going out too fast and dying), then to move it down with each mile.  We hit that first mile at 6:53(Garmin time), second mile at 6:46.  Around mile 2.5 I started to hurt.  I felt my chest tighten up like I might puke and my legs were hurting.  I tried to tell myself that this was ok, this means I'm working hard.  I tried to stay positive and just focus on the rest of the race.  ( It helped that Jake wore my Garmin so I could obsess over my stats).  with about a half a mile to go I started to slip away from Jake, but once he told me "only 800m left", I picked it up.  I told myself I can do that, its only an 800 and then I'm done. Mile 3 came in at 6:38.  Once we were close to the finish line I told Jake to let me go, and I ran as hard as I could (little nubbin time was 6:15).  I didn't realize there was a time clock either, and once I saw it and it said 21:07, I smiled as I crossed the finish :)  It may not have been the sub 21 that I am still hoping for, but I am SO close!

My mom and Paul came up to watch and snapped this photo.  Stride needs some work, but it was at the finish - I was just trying to get there!
So, official new 5k PR is 21:07, 28 seconds faster than my previous so I am really happy with it.  Jake and I also picked up some hardware.  2nd overall woman for me, and 3rd overall male for Jake.  This is my first official trophy :)  But seriously, why do the ladies on running trophies still look like they are from the 80's with their high-waisted short shorts and unflattering tank tops, plus my lady had a mullet.  Oh well, beggers cant be choosers!

note the was May 4th

the best way to start a Saturday

The rest of the weekend was spent having lunch with friends, cleaning, being outside (sun finally came out!), running errands and grilling up some fajita goodness in honor of Cinco de Mayo.  The weekend went by way to fast, per usual.  Now that the days are getting nice, time goes by so fast, there's just too much to do!

I can't believe my next race will be Fargo, time has flown by faster than I ever thought it would.  Have a great evening friends, catch ya later!


  1. AnonymousMay 06, 2013

    Ok here comes another lame proud mother post! The look on your face coming into the finish was fierce! And the sound of your breath indicated you meant business. A sub 21 is a given and is much closer than your realize. Wow, you are so fortunate to have a coach like Nichole not only to be your friend but be a such an involved serious coach, we should have all been so lucky as runners. Love the action shots we got, Paul is now your official running photographer. I am so proud of you! Mumsy

    1. ha! thanks :)Nice to have you guys come up to cheer even though the weather wasn't very nice!

  2. AnonymousMay 07, 2013

    Congrats to you & Jake. A PR & Trophy is a great day. Weird to see snow since we've already had 100 degree temps and the AZ State Track & Field Meet is Wed & Sat.
    Good Luck in Fargo and Run with Pride.
    Dave in Phoenix
