Monday, October 21, 2013

Quick Chicago weekend recap

Happy Monday friendlies!  I know I said I would have this up a few days ago, but lets be honest, I'm not the most reliable person you'll ever meet....hmmm, probably shouldn't broadcast that.  But, since I had an absolute blastie I still wanted to share a few details about our weekend in Chicago.

That Friday we loaded up the vehicle and hit the road.  It worked out pretty well that we were able to carpool down with some friends.  Made the time go be pretty fast, which is a good thing, especially on a 6 hour drive.
ridin' low!

We pulled up the apartment where we were all staying and got our stuff settled.  It was so great to finally be there, see Nate and Nichole (who had arrived the day before), and to get this weekend running-party started!  We stayed up and hung out for a while, before hitting the hay.

Saturday morning myself, Jake, Craig and Rael got up early to get a few miles in before joining Nichole and Nate for her quick shake-out run.  Ok, can I just say that I LOVED running along Lakeshore!  I know if I lived there I would probably get tired of it, but man was it great.  So many people were up early too, running, biking, walking.  Definitely a change from good ol' Red Wing, where you usually don't see a soul if you run before 8am.

seriously, beach, waves, could you not love this!

We got about 5 miles in before we picked up Nichole and Nate for her run.  I ended with about 7 miles for that day, which I thought was pretty good.  The time flew by and my hip felt great.  I wish all runs could be with a group of friends!

After we all got back, we took our bikes out and traveled to the expo to check it out.  Nichole stayed back to keep rested - need the legs fresh for the race!  The expo was great, tons of vendors (aka - lots of free stuff!), well organized and I came home it a shiny new pair of shoes - success.

yeah buddy!

on the way to the expo

We got back to the apartment, made an early pasta dinner, and discussed out spectating plans for the next day.  Once we got everything organized, we relaxed and played games the rest of the night.

Sunday morning started bright an early.  Jake, myself, Nate and Craig rode our bikes down the the hotel Nichole stayed at (Rael had gotten a room, and since it was so close to the start, Nichole stayed there for convenience sake).  We met them at the hotel, helped ourselves to some continental breakfast, and I did my best to lighten the mood and keep things stress-free.  I mean, who doesn't love dancing to "Get Low" in the elevator at 6:30 am?!  We made our way to the start to see Nichole off.  Got our costumes on, took one last pic, and she was off.

As soon as Nichole made her way to the start, we hopped on our biked and made our way to our first spectating spot, but of course, nothing is easy and we ran into a very surly police woman who clearly was upset to have the early shift for the marathon.

we even made it in the Chicago Tribune!

Thankfully, after that all the security guards and police people were pretty nice, and we were able to move around to a lot of different spots.  We cheered for Nichole the best we could, we screamed, hooted and hollered, and rang our cowbells like crazy.  Also Craig pulled out some sweet dance moves that still make me laugh :)  If you've read Nichole's recap by now, you know how her race went.  But for me, personally, seeing her work her hardest and smile throughout the whole thing despite things just not going her way, was seriously inspirational.  Add in the fact that I've never been to a race this huge before, it's hard not to be in awe of everyone out there achieving their own dreams -pretty great :)
action shot!  a little blurry - they were just going so fast!

after the race....i look ridiculous

We hung around at the finish for a while, before making our way back to the hotel, and then made our way to the real reason we came to Chicago...

so good!

Because even though the rest of us didn't run a marathon, we can still eat like we did, but we did do about 30+ miles of biking that day, so we earned it right??

So a huge congratulations to Nichole for staying tough and making the most out of the race.  It is still a huge accomplishment, and the thought of running that far still scares the crap out of me.  It was a fast but fun weekend!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Ok, I'm apologizing in advance because there will probably be two posts from me today, but think of it this way, if you read them now, you dont have to worry about hearing from me this weekend, lucky you :).

I still have to recap our time in Chicago (spoiler alert - it was a total blast!), but first I have some *exciting news...

*I realize this is probably only exciting for me :)

I was so excited to see this in my inbox Monday evening.  Although, I have been warned that these first 5 weeks are going to be pretty aggresive.  Lots of double-days, XT (crosstraining), and strength work.  The purpose of these weeks as of now is to work on my mileage and getting my strength back up - I have lost SO much during the weeks I was injured and trying to recover.  I'm just glad that I can enjoy the fall weather with some nice runs outside since I missed a good chuck of summer running.

I have a lot to think about going forward and lots of thoughts and questions I need to back to Nichole about, but I'm sure once I get things figured out I'll share more of the details here.

So, although this feel a bit like deja vu, I'm hoping this time turns out a little bit different.  I will do whatever it takes to stay healthy and if that means my workouts are longer to fit in lots of stretching/icing/rolling so be it.  There were too many times where I would end a run and not bother to stretch for more than 5 minutes.  I have goals to chase down and I'll do what I can to make them happen.  I'm fired up and ready to go and I cant wait to make some good progress in the coming weeks.

oh, also, I got new shoes...again.  The Asics just werent cutting it and were hurting my feet so I decided I will use them for crosstraining, and I went back to my first love...

The beautiful Wave Elixer 8
I decided to go with the Elixers because they are listed as a support shoe and the Wave Riders that I usually wear are more neutral, and I have to say, the second I tried them on it was love (ask Jake, he was with when I put them on).  They fit awesome, and feel great on my feet - yeah no more hot spots or tingly/numb toes!

So thats all for now....I'll be back to recap our weekend in the windy city.  If you follow Nichole at all she's got a couple recaps up on her blog, so go check 'em out!

Friday, October 11, 2013


Happy Friday friends!  Just a quick update today since you probably wont hear from me this weekend because we will be in CHICAGO!  Yahoo!  I'm so pumped.  We are carpooling it down with a few peeps and meeting up with Nate and Nichole tonight. I cant wait to get there and cheer on Nichole.  I just KNOW shes going to get that PR and who knows, maybe in 2016 there will be another road trip for us to the Olympic Trials :)

Its going to be a whirlwind trip, but it will be so fun, plus I kind of cant wait to ride around on our bikes wearing these

I think its the barefeet and thumbs up that makes this so hilarious!

So if anyone reading is going to be running/spectating the Chicago Marathon on Sunday - look for a "herd" of cattle on bikes :)

One last exciting piece of information was that I RAN 11 MILES YESTERDAY!  Yes, that deserves all caps because holy crap it felt good.  I have been feeling pretty down about my running/fitness the past couple weeks and this was the confidence boost that I desperately needed.  It was the farthest I've run since July and I am so happy to know that I can still run double digits after all this time.  I sent this picture to Nichole right after my run,

I texted something along the lines of "I'm back!"

I wasnt breaking any land-speed records on this run but I dont care, it was pain free and thats all that matters.  Its funny, I was nervous about this run all day, I was afraid I would have to stop and walk, afraid my hip/knee would hurt, afraid I am too out of shape to do it, and afraid that it would seem to take forever.  Now dont get me wrong, 11 miles is still a LONG ways to run, but I dont know if its because I've done a few 13-14 miles runs before, or that things just went really well, but mentally, it didnt seem long at all.  In fact, when I was at about mile 9, I couldnt believe I was almost done, I was ready to be done, but it just seemend to go by so fast.  I guess thats a good thing, and that I still do have some mental strength left after all. 

I am hoping that I am able to start some sort for formal trainig plan in the coming weeks, which makes me really excited.  I've got just a few goals to chase down :)

So with that, I'll make sure to take lots of pictures this weekend and report back next week, have a great weekend!