Thursday, October 17, 2013


Ok, I'm apologizing in advance because there will probably be two posts from me today, but think of it this way, if you read them now, you dont have to worry about hearing from me this weekend, lucky you :).

I still have to recap our time in Chicago (spoiler alert - it was a total blast!), but first I have some *exciting news...

*I realize this is probably only exciting for me :)

I was so excited to see this in my inbox Monday evening.  Although, I have been warned that these first 5 weeks are going to be pretty aggresive.  Lots of double-days, XT (crosstraining), and strength work.  The purpose of these weeks as of now is to work on my mileage and getting my strength back up - I have lost SO much during the weeks I was injured and trying to recover.  I'm just glad that I can enjoy the fall weather with some nice runs outside since I missed a good chuck of summer running.

I have a lot to think about going forward and lots of thoughts and questions I need to back to Nichole about, but I'm sure once I get things figured out I'll share more of the details here.

So, although this feel a bit like deja vu, I'm hoping this time turns out a little bit different.  I will do whatever it takes to stay healthy and if that means my workouts are longer to fit in lots of stretching/icing/rolling so be it.  There were too many times where I would end a run and not bother to stretch for more than 5 minutes.  I have goals to chase down and I'll do what I can to make them happen.  I'm fired up and ready to go and I cant wait to make some good progress in the coming weeks.

oh, also, I got new shoes...again.  The Asics just werent cutting it and were hurting my feet so I decided I will use them for crosstraining, and I went back to my first love...

The beautiful Wave Elixer 8
I decided to go with the Elixers because they are listed as a support shoe and the Wave Riders that I usually wear are more neutral, and I have to say, the second I tried them on it was love (ask Jake, he was with when I put them on).  They fit awesome, and feel great on my feet - yeah no more hot spots or tingly/numb toes!

So thats all for now....I'll be back to recap our weekend in the windy city.  If you follow Nichole at all she's got a couple recaps up on her blog, so go check 'em out!




  2. Nice Pavement Beaters,glad to hear of your excitement with the new Training Plan.
    Run with Pride.
    Dad in Phoenix.

  3. Good luck with the new training plan, should be a lot of fun miles ahead for you!
