Friday, October 11, 2013


Happy Friday friends!  Just a quick update today since you probably wont hear from me this weekend because we will be in CHICAGO!  Yahoo!  I'm so pumped.  We are carpooling it down with a few peeps and meeting up with Nate and Nichole tonight. I cant wait to get there and cheer on Nichole.  I just KNOW shes going to get that PR and who knows, maybe in 2016 there will be another road trip for us to the Olympic Trials :)

Its going to be a whirlwind trip, but it will be so fun, plus I kind of cant wait to ride around on our bikes wearing these

I think its the barefeet and thumbs up that makes this so hilarious!

So if anyone reading is going to be running/spectating the Chicago Marathon on Sunday - look for a "herd" of cattle on bikes :)

One last exciting piece of information was that I RAN 11 MILES YESTERDAY!  Yes, that deserves all caps because holy crap it felt good.  I have been feeling pretty down about my running/fitness the past couple weeks and this was the confidence boost that I desperately needed.  It was the farthest I've run since July and I am so happy to know that I can still run double digits after all this time.  I sent this picture to Nichole right after my run,

I texted something along the lines of "I'm back!"

I wasnt breaking any land-speed records on this run but I dont care, it was pain free and thats all that matters.  Its funny, I was nervous about this run all day, I was afraid I would have to stop and walk, afraid my hip/knee would hurt, afraid I am too out of shape to do it, and afraid that it would seem to take forever.  Now dont get me wrong, 11 miles is still a LONG ways to run, but I dont know if its because I've done a few 13-14 miles runs before, or that things just went really well, but mentally, it didnt seem long at all.  In fact, when I was at about mile 9, I couldnt believe I was almost done, I was ready to be done, but it just seemend to go by so fast.  I guess thats a good thing, and that I still do have some mental strength left after all. 

I am hoping that I am able to start some sort for formal trainig plan in the coming weeks, which makes me really excited.  I've got just a few goals to chase down :)

So with that, I'll make sure to take lots of pictures this weekend and report back next week, have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the run Claire.
    That cow in the dinning room looks familiar :)
    Run with pride.
    Dad in Phoenix
