Wednesday, November 6, 2013

a (non running) race, and thanks :)

First off, I just wanna say thanks for the great comments and messages I got after my last post.  It's nice to know there are plenty of folks who "get it".  I'm hoping I didnt come across like "poor me poor me", so I appreciate the kind words and motivation.  I know not many people read this thing, but those of you who do, you're the best!

there, you're motivation for the day

Ok, so a couple weeks ago, this happened.....

I still dont know how I was talked into this.  It happened on the drive home from Chicago, and since I'm a pretty easy sell, I guess I agreed to it!  The race this weekend is made up of three different gravel biking events.  I am doing one on Saturday which is a 10 mile time trial.  Sounds easy enough right?  Well I just realized last night that the only directions we get are on cue sheets and we are responsible for getting ourselves from point A to (hopefully) point B.  I dont have the best track record with directions (i.e. I get lost a lot, and rely HEAVILY on my phone's GPS for directions).  So this should be interesting.  Its only 10 miles, so how lost could I possibly get?  I guess I'll find out! I'm just hoping not to fall off my bike onto the gravel roads, or just chased by a random farm dog.

Jake and our friend Craig are doing the race held on Sunday.  Its 88 miles. WHAT?! Thats just crazy.

So wish us luck, should be a fun weekend of biking, with some running thrown in at some point too.  I'll post a recap after the weekend.  Maybe there will be a prize for dead last.....


  1. Good Luck to you & Jake, and if you take a tumble remember these words of wisdom "The Skin Will Grow Back"
    Bike with Pride.
    Dad in Phoenix

  2. Don't worry about getting lost. Since it's a time trial someone starts every 30 seconds, if you get to a corner and aren't sure which way to go just wait a few seconds and someone else will be going along. One thing that I do for some races that helps with visualization is to map the course ahead of time so I have an idea of the general direction I should be going. The gravel is in pretty great shape, it should be a fun weekend!

  3. Please post about the race! :)
