Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Hi guys.  Alright, this just feel awkward.  I know a lot of people probably don't even read this, and really I shouldn't care if anyone does or not, but I just don't feel right, talking about my usual, totally boring weekend recaps and workout set up.

I'm new to the this whole runner/athlete/try-to-be-competitive game, however, I don't think that matters.  Casual jogger, elite runner, supportive family, basically any compassionate member of society - we are all sad and touched by what happened on Monday.  I just didn't feel right, getting on with the normal garbage I churn out , unless I said something, anything. 

So many people have written heartfelt, inspiring, touching articles, and believe me, I had read a lot of them.  I personally didn't know anyone participating in Marathon Monday, but that doesn't discredit the fact that I still feel a sense of hurt, I kind of feel like someone attacked my friends.  I have never run a marathon, or really been a part of an event that huge and that prestigious.  However, I am a runner, I am a spectator, and for me to wrap my head around it all is pretty impossible.  The fact that it is difficult for me, all the way here in MN, safe and untouched by it all, I cannot begin to imagine what it is like for those in Bean Town, their friends and families who are still very much in the beginning of this nightmare.

I feel sad and sorry.  It also makes me scared.  I know people say, if we give in to that fear we let whoever did this win.  But is it ok to be scared?  I think so.  As long as it doesn't stop us, it can only make you stronger.

I will continue to watch the news, in hopes that as each day passes more clues are uncovered about who/what did this.  I do know this, next year's Boston Marathon will be one for the record books.  It will be an epic celebration of life and rising above tragedy.  I cant begin to imagine the celebration that it will be.

Maybe one day I'll get there....

if you feel like you can help in any way, here are some places to go
Boston Marathon Help
How you can help
Donate to the Red Cross

24 hour hot line: 617-635-4500
Investigator tip line: 1-800-494-TIPS


  1. Nicely written.

  2. Wonderful thoughts Claire and maybe you will be there next year in Boston and if you are I will be there watching you. Road Trip! Mumsy

  3. Yes, it is ok to have fear, but compassion for others will help to move past those fears. Your friends were attacked and feeling hurt & sad are feelings of compassion. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Run with pride. Dave in Phoenix
