Thursday, April 18, 2013

workouts, a new purchase and injuries

don't worry, I'm not injured (knock on wood!), but Nichole sent me an email the other day for a webinar all about sports injuries and how to treat them.  If anything I hope to get some advice that may come in handy.  Since I've struggled with knee issues and the occasional shin splint/problems, I hope to learn some tips and tricks on how to stay healthy and prevent anything from coming up.  Luckily I've been able to get a handle on my knee issues with the help of my chiropractor Jim (who I'm seeing today, yippee!), and I also think the added strength work I've been doing has helped too.  But its always nice to learn more.  If anyone is interested you can sign up (for free) HERE.  Its a little short notice as it is tonight, but it might be helpful for some of you :)

* also, a shout out to Nichole.  She ran the Whidbey Island marathon in WA on Sunday and WON!  She ran it as a "long run" - who does that?!  Shes awesome :)

I'm just going to give a quick run-down of my weeks plan.  4 weeks out and I've officially started wearing the shoes I will use for the half ( I was purposely putting off breaking them in - I was in denial that it was coming up so fast!).  But they are purple and awesome and make me feel fast :)

I think I may be addicted to these

Monday - 15min. Tempo (sub7) 4 min. rest, 10min. Tempo (6:45-6:55) 3 min. rest, 5min. Tempo.
                1.5 mile WU&CD

Tuesday - REST

Wednesday - 5 miles easy, strength

Thursday - 6x1000m (3:53-3:57), 80% of time jog recovery
                  1.5 mile WU&CD

Friday - 6 miles easy, strength

Saturday - 12 miles, middle 4 miles @ 7:25-7:30 pace

Sunday - 6 miles easy

Monday's tempo run was good.  My legs felt good right away during the warm up.  Lower left leg/shin was a little tight as I did the 1st segment, but eventually got better.  I'll keep this short, but I nailed my times.  1st segment was @ 6:58, 2nd @ 6:51, 3rd @ 6:46.  I felt really good about this.  It was a nice mental boost, and all I could think about during those tempos was running into the finish at Fargo :)

Wednesdays run was great.  Those 5 miles flew by.  I kept my pace conservative and just ran easy.  I don't know if I'm just getting used to running further/longer or what but I swear by the time I was done it didn't really feel like I ran.  Got in a good strength session too, except I forgot how much squats can hurt!

Like I mentioned in a previous post, this is my final week in the 40's (45 miles total this week), and then I start to taper down.  I still have some races coming up though, but I cant believe how fast this has all gone.  To think that on this date next month I will be running is crazy!

Finally, I am proud to introduce the newest member to the Huot family!

Beep Beep!  Our new 2013 Chevy Cruze!

I hope the car dealership didn't care that I came in really smelly from the gym....


*There are a lot of Boston tribute runs going on all across the county.  Be on the lookout for any in your area to participate in.  I haven't heard of one in my town, but there is a group of us that regularly runs on Saturday mornings, so maybe we can turn it into a Run to Remember Boston

*I read this today ( I'm sure many of you have seen the same/or similar articles), but I liked it.
3 ways to honor Boston

* I also want to say, that this tragedy isn't just for runners.  It is for everyone.  So do what you can, walk, jump, bike or hula-hoop if you want.

Did anyone tune in to listen to the Interfaith Prayer Service this morning?

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