Saturday, April 12, 2014

15 miles of observations

Hey guys, happy weekend!  

Ok, I just had to pop in and tell you a few things I observed this morning on my run.  It was raining and lighting outside so I took to the treadmill for my workout.  15 miles with tempo thrown in for fun....well, my coach would probably call it "fun"  I call it "my legs wanting to fall off".  Anyway, this gave me lots of time to think and here's what I came away with 2 hours later

* there is nothing on TV early in the morning

* if you are on the treadmill next to me and you wonder if we're in a race?  the answer is yes....always yes....and I win

* by the end of your run your tank top will be a completely different, darker color.  Which if fun cause its kind of like a wardrobe change, but also really gross since you're all sweaty and probably smell bad

* don't sing out loud when your jam comes on your Ipod, its really embarrassing

* this was my jam that I listened to on repeat like 82 times

* I was clearly delirious when I thought to myself at mile 5 "oh only 10 more miles, that's not bad at all!"  again....I was on a treadmill...delirious.

* since when did cut-off tee shirts become acceptable gym attire?

*mile 13 all I thought about was a doughnut....I never got a doughnut

*make sure to hang onto the side of the treadmill when you finally stop to get off...surprisingly your legs will be tired, and wont function normally.  Try to act cool as you hobble out of the gym

and oh look!  my glass is almost empty....have a great rest of your weekend!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Things that make me happy - part 2

It's Thursday!! Oh my word, I could not be more happy that the weekend is almost here.  I have some fun plans and just want to get them started!
Ok, so remember about 2 months ago I did a post on some things that make me happy?  Well I decided to do it again....maybe I'll make this a regular thing, who knows.  So lets get to it!
*Key Word Searches
When I was checking the stats of my blog the other day I came across the keyword searches people do that lead them to my blog. Makes me wonder what they were actually hoping to's a couple examples.
  - 1 year recipe:  if you are looking for a recipe that takes that long it better be good, which means you probably wont find it here, that or you clearly have too much time on your hands.
- naked old men: oh dear, you have come to the wrong place.  if you are searching for that you have another bag of issues to deal with.
- I'm done running, oh look another race:  this totally make sense, and make me giggle.  It's so typical of a runner to think this way :)
*Spring/Summer Clothes
This weekend I plan on getting out all my Spring/Summer clothes and put away most of my cold weather stuff.  It's kind of like shopping, I always forget what I have until I bring them back out again.  Although the TOMS have been out for a little while :)

*My Favorite Running Trail

One of my favorite paths is finally clear enough to run on and I am SO happy.  Seriously, I ran on it yesterday, with some of my favorite tunes, and was happy the whole time.  Plus it was like 70 degrees, which was AWESOME.

honestly, don't even try to beat that view because you cant

*How I Met Your Mother

I know the series is over, so I'm 9 years late to join this party, but I've started watching this show on Netflix.  I started at the beginning with season 1 and have been binge watching it since Sunday.  Even though I know how it all ends, I think its hilarious and am totally loving it.

*Honorable Mentions

So I mentioned this weekend that I have some fun plans, and I do!  Saturday night some friends are having a party to celebrate the new house they bought.  I haven't seen a lot of these folks in way to long and am excited to get together with everyone. 

Then Sunday I'm even more excited because its the first Run N Fun team meeting of the season that night.  I'm excited to meet everyone and pick up a uniform and some other things.  It's at their newest store in MPLS so I'm excited to see the place.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

just one of those runs

Hey guys, happy Tuesday!
How was everyone's weekend?  Mine was pretty wonderful.  I ran (per usual), had WAY to much fun, and ate a doughnut....pretty successful in my book :)
I will dream about this doughnut forever....
I just wanted to pop in quick to ramble some thoughts from my run yesterday.  Not sure what it was, but yesterday was just one of those days where I was thinking way too much, and it wasn't doing me any good.  Ever have that?  When you just cant seem to turn your brain off?  I had a bigger workout planned, and when I finally got off work, I was ready to just hit the pavement.
Now, I know there are plenty of people who use exercise as "therapy", but I never have.  It just isn't one of those things for me.  Sure it always makes me feel better, but that's usually because, well, who wouldn't feel better after they workout?!  Anyway, I turned on one of my "angry" Pandora stations (well, as angry as Fall Out Boy and old school Blink 182 can get).  As I was going along with my "head movies", I realized a lot of what was may be bugging me, or thinking WAY to much about, were starting to make more sense, and I just started to feel better the more I ran.  I was glad I had some harder tempo stuff in the middle of my run, as a distraction - too much thinking isn't always a good thing, but to also push some of my frustrated thoughts out.
I ended my run with a lot more peace than when I started, and turns out, it feels pretty good.  So for all of you that use running as alone time with your thoughts or who run to clear the cobwebs in your head, I get it, I totally get it.

Oh good lord, I'm such a drama queen, sorry I force you to follow me down the depths of my brain sometimes...