Saturday, March 30, 2013

its been a great week and Happy Easter!

Happy weekend and happy Saturday everyone.  Just wanted to pop in to update ya'll on my week.  The last time we talked I was moaning and groaning about the race.  Well luckily for everyone, I think I am out of that funk!  This has been a great week of running, let me fill you in on the highlights :)

Wednesday Nichole was in town and asked if I wanted to meet up for a run.  She had 4 miles to do, and I had 7.5.  I did a couple on my own before meeting up.  It was so great to run and talk with her.  We talked a lot about the race and how I felt things went.  It was so helpful to talk it out with her, and it gave me a lot to think about for next time.  It was a great head-clearing run.  Plus we averaged a 7:47 pace, which for a recovery day, isn't too shabby for me :) 

Thursday I had a tempo run.  I had new paces which were faster than anything I've done so far.  Here was the workout;
2.5 warm up
3 mi. T (low 7:10, maybe a touch slower at the start, last mile under 7:10), 4 min. rest
2 mi. T (7-7:10), 3 min. rest
1 mi. T (sub 7)
2 mi. cool down. Total of 11 miles

Here is how it all went. First segment:  mile 1 (avg. 7:15), mile 2 (avg. 7:13), mile 3 (avg. 7:08).  Second segment: mile 1 (avg. 7:08), mile 2 (avg. 7:03).  Final mile (avg. 6:50).  I nailed this workout and it felt awesome!  I was toast on my cool down but I did it.  My fastest tempo so far and I ran strong and focused - now I just need to do that in a race!

Today was my long run - 13 miles.  I told Jake and Nichole that I was going to do 13.1 just to get in that half marathon :).  I was raining all morning until about 2:00pm.  I was hoping to get the run done early but I knew the rain would have been miserable so I waited.  I wasn't sure how my legs would feel, but I was excited to run.  I took with me some Sport Beans and a Roctane GU.  I wasn't stoked on potentially having to take the gu, but I need to experiment on what may/may not work for Fargo.  The beans were ok, easier to chew than Shot Bloks, but it took me a good mile to eat them all ( I took those at mile 5).  To my surprise the gu wasn't bad - I told Jake it was like frosting :)  I had the choc. raspberry kind.  That one took me a little while to get down too but I can see now why so many athletes use them - so much easier than trying to chew something.  I took the gu at mile 10. 

I felt really great on this run, I was definitely working, but it wasn't an all out effort.  I was able to keep relaxed and breath steady.  It also helped that Jake showed up on his bike to keep me company and be my personal Sherpa :)  I could get used to that.  With about 1.5 miles to go the sun finally decided come out but my legs were starting to ache.  I kept pace the best I could and when I finished I was at a 6:57 (!!).  I immediately bent over, looked at my watch, and tears filled my eyes.  I couldn't believe it, 13.1 miles.  If you would have told me a year ago, when I couldn't even run 3 miles that I would be here I wouldn't have believed you.  My beginning goal for Fargo was to run sub 8 min. miles, and I just did it (barely!) on a training run today.  I think I need to reevaluate my goals now :)  With 7 weeks out, I'm feeling confident and re energized.

just a lovely afternoon run around town
So sorry to get all sappy on you folks, I guess that's what happens when you realize that hard work pays off.  Weeks and days like this make all those crummy, tired, slow runs completely worth it:)

With that, have a Happy Easter everyone, eat a chocolate bunny!  Then maybe a salad to even it out...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Confessions from a race

Question - If you were running a race, putting in a full effort, would you rather piss your pants, or barf?  Keep reading for the answer.
So here's how things went down on Sunday.  I will try and leave the fluffy details out of it and be real.  However, I do have to say I am pretty jazzed to be back in the racing scene.  Watching everyone race, fast, medium, and slow, its still pretty sweet.  Plus it was cold, so kudos to all of us that got out there and ran :)

Jake and I got to St Paul with time to do a quick mile warm up ( slowly!) and stretch, and go to the bathroom - which I probably should have done.  When it was time to line up I made my way to the front of the pack to start on the front line.  I had looked at past results and was expecting a lot more women and people to be lined up, but I was kind of by myself.  It was fine and we took off.  Per usual, I made the rookie mistake of starting too fast.  A slight downhill + adrenaline = me burning out after mile 1*.  After that first mile, there was a gradual uphill through mile 2-2.5.  Once I saw my time slip to 7 min. around mile 2* I started to lose focus.  My head wasnt in a good place, and it took everything I had to not slow down even more, or stop and walk ( are you kidding me?!  It was a 5k, walking was NOT an option!).  It was also around this point that I realized my mistake of not going to the bathroom, and turns out, it's not very easy to hold your bladder when you are tring to run fast - shocker.

Also, it's no secret my mental game is weak, but I wasnt expecting this.  My head was being a big jerk this whole race.  I also was starting to feel a lot of tighness and couldnt get a deep breath, which caused what felt like my whole torso to tighten up.  I felt like if I pushed any harder I would have to pull over to the side and toss back up the banana I had eaten before the race.   I was first woman until about .25 miles to go and a girl passed me.  She told me to keep up and come along with her but I was done, I wanted to try, I really did, but the combination of my brain being a bully, the feeling of having to puke, and the fact that I may or may not have channeled my inner 3 year old and peed myself, I just wanted to finish in one piece.  So I did my best to run hard to the finish (*see the little nubbin time), and finished about 5 seconds behind the girl that passsed me. 

Fun fact!  The girl that passed me ran 22 miles the day before, that sure made me feel like a winner...good thing she was nice or I probably would have hated her

The thing about races is that you always, always learn something.  In this case I learned a lot. Up until now, all the races I've done have pretty much been for the heck of it.  I always wanted to do well, but never cared enough to really push myself.  This time is different.  I want to push myself, I want to try as hard as possible, I want to reach my goals more than anything.  I know this is just the first race, and I'm probably being WAY too dramatic, but this race made me realize that I have a lot of work to do.  I know my fitness will get there and everything is a work in progress, and chances are I will be saying these same things a year from now, but I have to figure out how to get my mind right.  I have 4 weeks to my next 5k race, and 8 until Fargo (insert freak out here!).

The plus side is that I recognize all of this.  I know exactly when my mind started to go to the dark side, I just have to learn to shut it down, and tell myself to focus and run.  Could I have stuck with a 6:45-6:50 pace had I not gone out fast - maybe, probably.  Would I have been more positive had that happend? - maybe.  Can I go back and get a re-do? - NOPE.  Just onward and upward.  I have to give myself credit that for the first race of the season, a 21:35 isnt too shabby (compare that with  last year's first race of 24:56) I would say I am happy with myself.

* Garmin time

So enough of the woe-is me, here are some pics from the day!

Start line of the 8k, me looking like a doofus, Nichole lookin' good!

Nichole coming down the finish, Jake in the upper right, and Nathan in the bottom right - looking great!

Hooray for the Irish Run!

Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldnt give up my diaper-butt Tempo shorts, I made need one for my next race

St Paul Irish Run results

I'll be back later to give my thoughts on the race and let you know how things went down yesterday.  Until then I thought I would share the cold, hard stats.

No sub 21, but a 5k PR for me - gotta be happy about that.  For the first race of the season, I would say this is a good place to start from.

I cant remember my Garmin time, I will post it up later, but spoiler alert, I positive split this race like its my job....ugh

Oh and also, I'm not 30, I'm 27, not sure how they screwed that one up, so really I got 2nd in my age group.  But it wasnt a big race at all so I'm not loosing sleep over it :)

I'll be back later with all my thoughts from the race - be prepared

Friday, March 22, 2013

tiny shorts and great workouts!

Happy Friday peeps!  Holy smokes am I glad its almost the weekend - that means its almost race day!  can you tell I am getting excited?!  I just cant wait to be in that atmosphere, around all differnt kinds of runners/athletes - my kind of people :)  I'm excited to put my hard work to the test, watch some amazing fast runners and cheer on Jake and friends.  But before we can get to that, I will skim over the week I've had.

Workouts have been pretty great this week. Monday was a great hilly run.  I took it inside on the tmill because it was still icy and ugly outside, plus I'm just a big baby, where are my big boy girl pants when I need them?!  I decided I would do one of the pre-programed "terrain" workouts in the tmill.  I have to say, this was an awesome subtitute to outside hills.  It kicked my trash!  My highest incline was set at a 9-12%.  Nothing beats getting outside, but this came in a close second.   I also has strength that day and may have worked my legs a little too much - my left quad has been sore/tight ever since...
My tempo repeats on Wednesday went awesome.  My T pace I took down a few seconds to be around 7:15-6:57.  I was able to progressivley get faster as each went by and ended my last one at an average of 6:55.  Even my warm up and cool down miles felt nice and easy.  Usually by my cooldown after a workout like this I'm crawling at a snails pace, this time I was able to actually keep up and nice swift pace.
Thursday was an interresting day.  I had 5.5 easy and 6x200, (comfortably hard pace).  Jake and I ran after he was done with work, so we didnt get out the door until about 5:45.  That meant I hadnt eaten since my afternoon "snack" at 3:00.  Ususally I run at 4:30 so I have plenty of energy/fuel in me.  We were moving along just fine, until about mile 4.5 and it just  kind of hit me.  I was feeling wobbly and really low on energy.  I got annoyed because it was only a 5.5 mile run, it wasnt even hard!  We stopped for a minute then ran back to the house to finish.  I made a pit stop and grabbed some Sport Beans before we started our 200m.  I think they helped - I was able to get through the repeats really well.  I wasnt sure what a "comfortably hard" pace should be, so I started with my goal 5k pace (6:46), and immediately found it to be a tad to slow...good thing?  We picked up the pace each one, I never felt like I was going all out on these so that was good, but it was also a confidence booster that I can run faster than I think.

Ok, so remember the other day when I mentioned I got new shorts?  Well I wore them on Monday to the gym.  They seemed fine when I put them on and was standing still, but it wasnt until I started running that they got to be a tad, um, short.
I got these ones but in black
 At first glance they look harmless, but that slit on the side, yea, it goes up kind of far.  I felt like I was mooning the person behind me (sorry person on the stationary bike!)  They are super lightweight and really comfy, but I have a feeling these will be my summer time shorts when its really hot out and maybe I will refrain from wearing them to the gym.  Nobody needs to see that much of my leg!

Also, a shout out to my little baby Stella!  It was her 1st birthday on Tuesday :)

she got a "cupcake", also, ignore the work-in-progress dining room
 They grow up so fast, she'll be driving before we know it!

Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm back!

Good afternoon everyone!  How's your Monday treating you?  Things are pretty good over here, aside from another dump of snow, I'm in a reletively cheery mood :)  Before I get to this weeks schedule, here's what went one over the weekend. There was some running, painting (made good progress!), and green pancake eating.
festive!  although it makes them look moldy...
  On the running front, can I just say that I'm pretty sure Nichole is some kind of genius.  After Thursday's day off, my run on Friday felt great!  My legs are finally starting to come around and it feel so good.  I had some striders mixed in with the run and I felt stong and focused during them.  It was awesome :)  Saturday was interresting.  We ran early with the YMCA group and it was SO icy & slippery.  I couldnt grip or push off the ground to save my life.  My last 3 miles were supposed to get progressively faster, but all I was able to get was an avg. of 7:50 for mile 8&9 and a 7:38 for mile 10.  The bummer was that my legs totally had it in them to go faster than that, it was my feet and the roads that would let me!  I almost biffed it too many times to count that morning.  Sunday's run was nice, it was short and sweet but the roads were much better so it felt nice to stretch the legs and shake 'em out a little.
The timing of all this is awesome.  It makes me so excited going into this week and for the race on Sunday.  I just need to mentally prepare myself to get uncomfortable and to hurt.  It's only a 5k , I can go through, feel-like-i'm-dying-trying-not-to-puke/poop-my-pants-pain for 3.1 miles right?! 

Here is what is on tap for this week:

Monday - 6.5 miles easy, hilly route if possible
                 4 striders afterwards

Tuesday - Rest

Wednesday - 5x1000m at T pace (7:08-7:00)
                      2 miles WU&CD
                      (not sure if this will change...)

Thursday - 5.5 miles easy
                   6x200m comfortably hard afterwards

Friday - 5 miles with 6x45sec. pick ups in middle of run

Sturday - 3 miles easy
                5 striders

Sunday - RACE!

I'm so glad things are looking up finally.  I knew at some point things would start to turn around, I just didnt know when that would be.   It also helps that I got some new running gear over the weekend, that always puts me in a good mood.    I got a differnt pair of shorts than I usually do.  I hate to say it but my Nike Tempos might be on their way out - they tend to bunch and bubble in the back, and diaper butt isnt a good look for anyone except babies.  I'm trying the new ones tonight so we will see how they are.

I hope everyone had a great weekend too - anyone out there run and St Patty's races? How'd they go??

9 weeks to Fargo - lets do this!

Question - anyone have a favorite brand/pair of running shorts?  What do you like/dont like? 

Friday, March 15, 2013

change of plans!

Happy Friday all!  Well we just cant seem to win over here in MN and its another gloomy day.  It's supposed to rain/sleet/snow today....oh well, is it March that's "in like a lion..."? or is that April?  Whatever...all I know is that everyone will soon be complaining about how hot it is.

So there has been a slight change in my schedule this week.  My legs have still been pretty tired, so we decided to switch a few things around.  Monday I did my planned tempo run (legs felt heavy, like they couldn't move fast/light), Tuesday was still the planned rest day (saw Jim for an adjustment - I waiting WAY too long, and it felt great, makes such a difference!), and Wednesday I did my 5 easy miles and strength.  Wednesday was fun.  Nichole happened to be in town so myself, Jake and her did our run together.  It is just SO nice running with friends.  I feel like 5 miles wasn't enough and wished it was longer to keep chatting :).  I did my strength afterwards ( a 45min. Chalean Extreme dvd).  I love having these on hand, that way I don't have to make up my own workout, I can just follow along, so convenient.

Here are the changes to my schedule though, hoping that it will help get my "springy-ness" back.

Thursday - REST
Friday - 4 miles easy, striders
Saturday - as planned
Sunday - as planned

I think we have decided to hold off on any of my longer V02 max workouts (1000m) until after my race next Sunday.  (Oh, listen to me sounding all cool with my runner lingo).  That makes me relieved but also nervous that I haven't gotten in a good speed/interval workout in awhile.  But I have confidence that it's for the best, and that I will still be able to have a fast race on the 24th.

Another cool thing is that I'm starting to track my nutrition for Nichole to look at.  My fatigue lately may be nutrition related so we want to take a look and see what I can do. I did get the homework of eating red meat (at least once a week).  I honestly don't remember the last time I had red meat, it just doesn't appeal to me and so I never think of it. I was also asked what my fat intake percentage looks like per week and I was lost, I couldn't think of anything!  Not good, so being a good student I went out last night and got stuff for steak fajitas and even got an avocado to put on top.  Now there's some red meat and healthy fats for ya!  Can I get a gold star :)  I forgot to take a picture, but they were served up with peppers, brown rice, salsa and on these tortillas

Since I am adding meat back into the grocery cart, I have no idea what to make with it.  So if anyone has some good, tasty, but HEALTHY recipes please let me know, I'm kind of clueless.

All in all even though my miles are still down, I'm much more positive this week, so I think I'm out of the funk I was in.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I'm hoping to finish up our dining room project - I'll post the before and after :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

can I get a do-over?

Oh my word, where do I start?  Well lets do this, Happy Monday!  I had a pretty productive weekend.  We made good progress on our dining room project ( we are re-doing the walls and painting, new light fixture), so it felt good to get a big chunk of it done, got in a good long run on Saturday, and was able to sleep in and relax a bit too.  Aside from losing an hour from daylight savings time, I would say it was an all around good weekend :)  Hope it was for you guys too!

Here is where I get a little "woe-is-me".  Its been a tough week.  Coming into the week I had high expectations that my good fortune of successful running and feeling great would continue.  After my workout on Monday I had a funny feeling that it might be the complete opposite.  Tuesday was a rest day but I started to feel like I was coming down with something.  Scratchy throat, sinus pressure - now is NOT the time to be sick!  Wednesday I didn't feel much better.  In fact the whole week I just felt crummy - Thursday we decided I ditch the interval workout and just do 5 miles easy.  I did however come to the conclusion ( with help from Jake and Nichole),this is probably just a "tired" week and that given the fact that I've had really good weeks lately, that I'm most likely run down from all of it.  Makes sense, and Nichole did write me an encouraging email to take this as a good sign that my intensity and mileage are in a good place now. 

Unfortunately my motivation this week was probably at an all time low.  Deep down I know I still love running, and every time I got out for my run, I was better for it, but it was the fact of getting out the door that I struggled to find the motivation.  Its been a while since I've had one of these weeks, but I don't like it!  I feel like a broken record when I say this but I really need to work on my mental game when things get tough like this.  I get so down on myself, thinking I'll never be fast/get my speed back, that a 1:30-1:40 half is just not in the cards.

* I know this isn't true, I know I do have it in me, I just have a hard time reminding myself of that when things don't go as planned

Another thing that doesn't help is that I didn't eat very well this week.  It wasn't horrible ( good thing we keep healthy food in the house so I don't have much of a choice), but I did a lot of snacking.  This doesn't help my already sensitive stomach, so it made my workouts more uncomfortable than they needed to be. Why I do this to myself I'll never know, I had to split up my long run on Saturday because of a bathroom break, not an ideal situation.

I always say, weeks like these are learning experiences and I'll be better because of it, but I just wish I knew how to go with the flow and handle it better.  Take a "tired" week as a good opportunity for recovery and not a sign that I'm getting weak.  So if anyone has tips/tricks on how to change my brain, let me know :)

With that, here is whats in store for the week - I'm ready to start fresh!

Monday - 1.5 WU&CD
                2x10min. T pace (7:00-7:18), 3 miles easy, 10 min. T pace
                10 miles total
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday - 5 miles easy
Thursday - 1.5 WU&CD
                  5x1000m @ 5k pace, 80% of time as recovery (jogging)
                  7 miles total
Friday - 5 miles easy
             strength, plyos
Saturday - 10 miles
                 last 3 miles in 7:50, 7:30, 7:10
Sunday - 4.5 miles easy

This week and next week are lower in mileage.  I'm gearing up for the first race of the season on Sunday the 24th.  I'll be running the St Paul Irish Run.  They have a 5k and an 8k and I'm signed up for the 5k.  I haven't done a 5k race since last August, so I'm hoping to beat that time (mid-21min.)  I'm excited to race though, its been awhile so I'm looking forward to being in that atmosphere again.

Monday, March 4, 2013

set up for the week

Good afternoon and happy Monday!  How was everyone's weekend? Mine of course went by way to fast.  I did have a pretty stellar long run (12miles) on Saturday.  Felt great, pace was about 20 sec. faster than my previous one and it was a beautiful morning.  The only thing was that I tried the Gatorade brand energy chews = not good. They were way too sugary, and made my stomach feel gross towards the end.  I picked up some Jelly Belly Sport Beans over the weekend so I will give those a go next.  I'll just keep checking things off until I find something that works!  I also ate a plain toasted bagel and banana about 1.5 hours before my run, and it didnt upset my stomach at all - yahoo! 

Ok, enough chit-chat lets get to it.  Nichole emailed me last night with the rest of my training cycle to Fargo.  I have to say, just looking at the coming weeks I am SO excited!  Is that wierd?  To be excited to work super hard and know that I will probably struggle, but that I know it will make me better?  I just cant wait to put in the hard work that these next 11 weeks have in store and see it (hopefully) pay off.  But, as excited as I am, I'm a nervous too, I just hope I can hang with my increasing paces and workouts. 

Paces for the week: Tempo (7:00-7:18), M (7:50), I (1000m, 4:03-4:16)

Monday - 2 mi. WU
                5x1 mile @ T, 1 min. recovery
                2 mi. CD
                9.25 miles total
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday - 6 mi. easy
                     5 striders at the end
                     6.25 miles total
Thursday - 2 mi. WU
                 5x1000m @ 5k pace, 80% of time recovery (jogging)
                 2 mi. CD
                 8 miles total
Friday - 5 mi. easy
              Strength & plyos
Saturday - 11 mi. easy
                 at mile 5, take first 1/10 of mile HARD, then resume reg. pace
Sunday - 5.5 mi. easy

One thing you will notice is that a few days a week I have some strength work written in.  Techincally I was supposed to have been doing this already, but with it not written on the schedule, I would have a hard time getting it done, especially after a hard workout.  Nichole thought having it already written on certian days it would be easier to follow.  She's totally right.  I tend to be a rule-follower (aka. totally boring and lame) and so if its scheduled I will do it :)

I've also never done 1000m repeats before so I have absolutely no clue how they will go.  If anyone wants to join me at the track on Thursday to help me clomp along please do!......I'm serious, help....I'll bring you chocolate milk

So that's whats in store for my week.  Hope the week looks good for all of you too! 

Birkie Weekend!

During the weekend of Feb. 23rd J-man and I went up north to Hayward, WI to spend the weekend at the Porath's cabin and have a weekend of cross country ski watching, running and relaxing.  It was a full house at their place, which made it fun.  Nichole and Nathan had some other friends who were also skiing that weekend stay at the cabin as well.

Saturday was the Birkie.  The skiing folks all got up super early to get to the start, and the rest of us took our time getting up and found a spot along the ski route to watch (it was about half way through the race).  We saw Nathan come by, Nichole handed off a gel to him and we made our way into to town to watch the finish.

A terribly far away picture I know....but you get the idea - this was at the half way point

this was at the finish - Nathan is in that pack of blue :)
 Here's the thing, Nathan is a super talented skier.  This year he placed 40th! (out of 3955 total for skate ski), and 6th out of 333 in his age group.  So it was really awesome to watch him and all the other elite/pros ski.  They just make it look so easy, and glide along.  I had never seen a race like it.  Jake is totally hooked now, when it comes to outdoor events he's not a very good spectator, he would rather be out doing it.  So don't be surprised if he's racing next year!

After we saw Nathan finish, myself, Nichole and Jake headed out for our run.  I had 12 miles on the schedule, Nichole had 20 and Jake was just going to do whatever he wanted :)

the scenery for our run - SO pretty!
 This was mile 12 when I was left like roadkill on the side of the road ended my run.  Jake and Nichole continued on.  No I didn't have to hitch hike back to the cabin, Nathan and his sister picked me up, but I still stuck my thumb out :)

Once everyone got back to the cabin we warmed up with tasty lasagna and all took naps :)  That night we were invited to go to a friend of Jakes cabin.  It was only like 10 min. away from where we were staying so it worked out nice.  We hung out there for a bit and headed back.

The next day I had an easy 6 miler planned so Jake and I took off for our last run up north.  Again, the scenery was great, but my trashed legs made for a tough run. Woof.

nerd alert, just ignore me and look at the pretty trees
  On our way back we met Nichole who was heading out for her respective run.  Once we all got back we had a quick lunch and packed up.  This was my kind of weekend.  Good food, good friends, good running/skiing.  Can I do this every weekend please?!

Thanks Nichole and Nathan for the invite up, it was a blast!