Friday, March 22, 2013

tiny shorts and great workouts!

Happy Friday peeps!  Holy smokes am I glad its almost the weekend - that means its almost race day!  can you tell I am getting excited?!  I just cant wait to be in that atmosphere, around all differnt kinds of runners/athletes - my kind of people :)  I'm excited to put my hard work to the test, watch some amazing fast runners and cheer on Jake and friends.  But before we can get to that, I will skim over the week I've had.

Workouts have been pretty great this week. Monday was a great hilly run.  I took it inside on the tmill because it was still icy and ugly outside, plus I'm just a big baby, where are my big boy girl pants when I need them?!  I decided I would do one of the pre-programed "terrain" workouts in the tmill.  I have to say, this was an awesome subtitute to outside hills.  It kicked my trash!  My highest incline was set at a 9-12%.  Nothing beats getting outside, but this came in a close second.   I also has strength that day and may have worked my legs a little too much - my left quad has been sore/tight ever since...
My tempo repeats on Wednesday went awesome.  My T pace I took down a few seconds to be around 7:15-6:57.  I was able to progressivley get faster as each went by and ended my last one at an average of 6:55.  Even my warm up and cool down miles felt nice and easy.  Usually by my cooldown after a workout like this I'm crawling at a snails pace, this time I was able to actually keep up and nice swift pace.
Thursday was an interresting day.  I had 5.5 easy and 6x200, (comfortably hard pace).  Jake and I ran after he was done with work, so we didnt get out the door until about 5:45.  That meant I hadnt eaten since my afternoon "snack" at 3:00.  Ususally I run at 4:30 so I have plenty of energy/fuel in me.  We were moving along just fine, until about mile 4.5 and it just  kind of hit me.  I was feeling wobbly and really low on energy.  I got annoyed because it was only a 5.5 mile run, it wasnt even hard!  We stopped for a minute then ran back to the house to finish.  I made a pit stop and grabbed some Sport Beans before we started our 200m.  I think they helped - I was able to get through the repeats really well.  I wasnt sure what a "comfortably hard" pace should be, so I started with my goal 5k pace (6:46), and immediately found it to be a tad to slow...good thing?  We picked up the pace each one, I never felt like I was going all out on these so that was good, but it was also a confidence booster that I can run faster than I think.

Ok, so remember the other day when I mentioned I got new shorts?  Well I wore them on Monday to the gym.  They seemed fine when I put them on and was standing still, but it wasnt until I started running that they got to be a tad, um, short.
I got these ones but in black
 At first glance they look harmless, but that slit on the side, yea, it goes up kind of far.  I felt like I was mooning the person behind me (sorry person on the stationary bike!)  They are super lightweight and really comfy, but I have a feeling these will be my summer time shorts when its really hot out and maybe I will refrain from wearing them to the gym.  Nobody needs to see that much of my leg!

Also, a shout out to my little baby Stella!  It was her 1st birthday on Tuesday :)

she got a "cupcake", also, ignore the work-in-progress dining room
 They grow up so fast, she'll be driving before we know it!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Those shorts have nothing on what I used to run in back in the 80's 90's. Then running shorts were completely split and made out of the thinnest fabric you can imagine! I am sure I was convinced they made me look fast! Can't wait to watch you guys race, watching you run reminds me of myself when I was your age and I realize things come around full circle, such fun to see. Looking forward to seeing Stelly in the morning too! Mumsy
