Friday, March 15, 2013

change of plans!

Happy Friday all!  Well we just cant seem to win over here in MN and its another gloomy day.  It's supposed to rain/sleet/snow today....oh well, is it March that's "in like a lion..."? or is that April?  Whatever...all I know is that everyone will soon be complaining about how hot it is.

So there has been a slight change in my schedule this week.  My legs have still been pretty tired, so we decided to switch a few things around.  Monday I did my planned tempo run (legs felt heavy, like they couldn't move fast/light), Tuesday was still the planned rest day (saw Jim for an adjustment - I waiting WAY too long, and it felt great, makes such a difference!), and Wednesday I did my 5 easy miles and strength.  Wednesday was fun.  Nichole happened to be in town so myself, Jake and her did our run together.  It is just SO nice running with friends.  I feel like 5 miles wasn't enough and wished it was longer to keep chatting :).  I did my strength afterwards ( a 45min. Chalean Extreme dvd).  I love having these on hand, that way I don't have to make up my own workout, I can just follow along, so convenient.

Here are the changes to my schedule though, hoping that it will help get my "springy-ness" back.

Thursday - REST
Friday - 4 miles easy, striders
Saturday - as planned
Sunday - as planned

I think we have decided to hold off on any of my longer V02 max workouts (1000m) until after my race next Sunday.  (Oh, listen to me sounding all cool with my runner lingo).  That makes me relieved but also nervous that I haven't gotten in a good speed/interval workout in awhile.  But I have confidence that it's for the best, and that I will still be able to have a fast race on the 24th.

Another cool thing is that I'm starting to track my nutrition for Nichole to look at.  My fatigue lately may be nutrition related so we want to take a look and see what I can do. I did get the homework of eating red meat (at least once a week).  I honestly don't remember the last time I had red meat, it just doesn't appeal to me and so I never think of it. I was also asked what my fat intake percentage looks like per week and I was lost, I couldn't think of anything!  Not good, so being a good student I went out last night and got stuff for steak fajitas and even got an avocado to put on top.  Now there's some red meat and healthy fats for ya!  Can I get a gold star :)  I forgot to take a picture, but they were served up with peppers, brown rice, salsa and on these tortillas

Since I am adding meat back into the grocery cart, I have no idea what to make with it.  So if anyone has some good, tasty, but HEALTHY recipes please let me know, I'm kind of clueless.

All in all even though my miles are still down, I'm much more positive this week, so I think I'm out of the funk I was in.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I'm hoping to finish up our dining room project - I'll post the before and after :)

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