Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm back!

Good afternoon everyone!  How's your Monday treating you?  Things are pretty good over here, aside from another dump of snow, I'm in a reletively cheery mood :)  Before I get to this weeks schedule, here's what went one over the weekend. There was some running, painting (made good progress!), and green pancake eating.
festive!  although it makes them look moldy...
  On the running front, can I just say that I'm pretty sure Nichole is some kind of genius.  After Thursday's day off, my run on Friday felt great!  My legs are finally starting to come around and it feel so good.  I had some striders mixed in with the run and I felt stong and focused during them.  It was awesome :)  Saturday was interresting.  We ran early with the YMCA group and it was SO icy & slippery.  I couldnt grip or push off the ground to save my life.  My last 3 miles were supposed to get progressively faster, but all I was able to get was an avg. of 7:50 for mile 8&9 and a 7:38 for mile 10.  The bummer was that my legs totally had it in them to go faster than that, it was my feet and the roads that would let me!  I almost biffed it too many times to count that morning.  Sunday's run was nice, it was short and sweet but the roads were much better so it felt nice to stretch the legs and shake 'em out a little.
The timing of all this is awesome.  It makes me so excited going into this week and for the race on Sunday.  I just need to mentally prepare myself to get uncomfortable and to hurt.  It's only a 5k , I can go through, feel-like-i'm-dying-trying-not-to-puke/poop-my-pants-pain for 3.1 miles right?! 

Here is what is on tap for this week:

Monday - 6.5 miles easy, hilly route if possible
                 4 striders afterwards

Tuesday - Rest

Wednesday - 5x1000m at T pace (7:08-7:00)
                      2 miles WU&CD
                      (not sure if this will change...)

Thursday - 5.5 miles easy
                   6x200m comfortably hard afterwards

Friday - 5 miles with 6x45sec. pick ups in middle of run

Sturday - 3 miles easy
                5 striders

Sunday - RACE!

I'm so glad things are looking up finally.  I knew at some point things would start to turn around, I just didnt know when that would be.   It also helps that I got some new running gear over the weekend, that always puts me in a good mood.    I got a differnt pair of shorts than I usually do.  I hate to say it but my Nike Tempos might be on their way out - they tend to bunch and bubble in the back, and diaper butt isnt a good look for anyone except babies.  I'm trying the new ones tonight so we will see how they are.

I hope everyone had a great weekend too - anyone out there run and St Patty's races? How'd they go??

9 weeks to Fargo - lets do this!

Question - anyone have a favorite brand/pair of running shorts?  What do you like/dont like?