Saturday, March 30, 2013

its been a great week and Happy Easter!

Happy weekend and happy Saturday everyone.  Just wanted to pop in to update ya'll on my week.  The last time we talked I was moaning and groaning about the race.  Well luckily for everyone, I think I am out of that funk!  This has been a great week of running, let me fill you in on the highlights :)

Wednesday Nichole was in town and asked if I wanted to meet up for a run.  She had 4 miles to do, and I had 7.5.  I did a couple on my own before meeting up.  It was so great to run and talk with her.  We talked a lot about the race and how I felt things went.  It was so helpful to talk it out with her, and it gave me a lot to think about for next time.  It was a great head-clearing run.  Plus we averaged a 7:47 pace, which for a recovery day, isn't too shabby for me :) 

Thursday I had a tempo run.  I had new paces which were faster than anything I've done so far.  Here was the workout;
2.5 warm up
3 mi. T (low 7:10, maybe a touch slower at the start, last mile under 7:10), 4 min. rest
2 mi. T (7-7:10), 3 min. rest
1 mi. T (sub 7)
2 mi. cool down. Total of 11 miles

Here is how it all went. First segment:  mile 1 (avg. 7:15), mile 2 (avg. 7:13), mile 3 (avg. 7:08).  Second segment: mile 1 (avg. 7:08), mile 2 (avg. 7:03).  Final mile (avg. 6:50).  I nailed this workout and it felt awesome!  I was toast on my cool down but I did it.  My fastest tempo so far and I ran strong and focused - now I just need to do that in a race!

Today was my long run - 13 miles.  I told Jake and Nichole that I was going to do 13.1 just to get in that half marathon :).  I was raining all morning until about 2:00pm.  I was hoping to get the run done early but I knew the rain would have been miserable so I waited.  I wasn't sure how my legs would feel, but I was excited to run.  I took with me some Sport Beans and a Roctane GU.  I wasn't stoked on potentially having to take the gu, but I need to experiment on what may/may not work for Fargo.  The beans were ok, easier to chew than Shot Bloks, but it took me a good mile to eat them all ( I took those at mile 5).  To my surprise the gu wasn't bad - I told Jake it was like frosting :)  I had the choc. raspberry kind.  That one took me a little while to get down too but I can see now why so many athletes use them - so much easier than trying to chew something.  I took the gu at mile 10. 

I felt really great on this run, I was definitely working, but it wasn't an all out effort.  I was able to keep relaxed and breath steady.  It also helped that Jake showed up on his bike to keep me company and be my personal Sherpa :)  I could get used to that.  With about 1.5 miles to go the sun finally decided come out but my legs were starting to ache.  I kept pace the best I could and when I finished I was at a 6:57 (!!).  I immediately bent over, looked at my watch, and tears filled my eyes.  I couldn't believe it, 13.1 miles.  If you would have told me a year ago, when I couldn't even run 3 miles that I would be here I wouldn't have believed you.  My beginning goal for Fargo was to run sub 8 min. miles, and I just did it (barely!) on a training run today.  I think I need to reevaluate my goals now :)  With 7 weeks out, I'm feeling confident and re energized.

just a lovely afternoon run around town
So sorry to get all sappy on you folks, I guess that's what happens when you realize that hard work pays off.  Weeks and days like this make all those crummy, tired, slow runs completely worth it:)

With that, have a Happy Easter everyone, eat a chocolate bunny!  Then maybe a salad to even it out...


  1. You are such an inspiring woman. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    1. thank you for reading! :)

    2. Well done! You're motivating me to (begin thinking about) strapping on my shoes again!

  2. Thank you Kara! We can be running buddies from afar!
