Hey friends!! This is going to be a large roundup today. I missed Friday, my bad, so this will have all three days all rolled up into one tasty blog casserole. So lets get this train rollin'!
"Workout" Day 27 Livefit - rest day
5.05 mile run - slow and steady wins the race :)
In an effort to start increasing my miles on my rest days, I really wanted to go for 5 miles today. There is a pretty flat trail a few miles from my house that I thought would be a good place to go. Jake let me borrow his Garmin to I could track my pace and distance. FYI, Garmins are officially AWESOME! I want one. There was one little hiccup though when I got the the trail. I turned on the ol' Iphone for some tunes ( I never run without music), and it decided to be a turdnugget and stop working! So I had to put on my big
boy girl undies and take off with just the sounds of nature. Turns out, it was actually pretty nice, the trail was pretty and I could hear the birds and water as I ran past streams. I also felt really good the whole run, and kicked it towards the end - such a solid run!
aahh nature... |
I had stopped running at this point so the distance and pace are a little off/slow - but I LOVE this thing, I might steal it from J :) |
After my run, I had some errands to run, then we headed to a friends house for dinner. We grilled out and it was BYOM (bring your own meat)
TJ's chicken veg. sausages, carrots, asparagus, watermelon and strawberries |
We hung out with our friends for awhile and made are way home. It was a nice relaxing start to the weekend
"Workout": Day 28 LiveFit - rest day
P90X Stretch
Per usual I wanted to get in a long stretch this morning. J-bob randomly had a P90X stretch DVD so I thought I would give it a whirl. Turns out I need to just stick with what I like cause I did NOT like this stretch. It was longer which it fine, about 55 min, but all of the stretches were really static and stiff - not the yoga flow that I'm used to. It was fine, and still stretched me out, but I will go back to my Turbo from now on, lesson learned.
Today was also the day to weigh in to see if I made my weight mini-goal, and I'm happy to say I met it and am down 2lbs! Yippee. Now, I weighed myself in the a.m before breakfast, but I don't care, I'll take it! So, since I met all my goals, I kept my promise and bought a new outfit. Its real cute, and I'll post a pic once I wear it :)
It was rainy and gloomy all day today and I ended up taking a nap while J went to the gym, yep, I really
am that lazy.
Confession - I don't know about you all, but I have a thing for the bubbles. Champagne bubbles that is. I don't know what it is, but I just love the stuff. So, because of that, one of my New Years "resolutions" was to have "Champagne Thursdays!" with J on the last Thursday of each month. Its just a fun thing to look forward to. Well we missed it, so decided to crack the bottle tonight along with our dinner
grilled pork, tiny taters and salad |
Workout: Day 29 LiveFit - Back & Cardio
TM run: 3.5 miles 31 minutes
Well we made it kids! Phase 2 is now in effect. With this phase I go from working out 5 days a week to 6, so I only have 1 rest day. I have a feeling I will be pooped by the end of the week. Today was some back work and cardio. On my cardio days I can do anything I want (run, elliptical, bike, ect...) for 30 minutes. We are also introducing what are called "supersets" for my weight exercises. That means you have 2 sets of exercises and you do them back to back with no breaks. Awesome for muscle building. So after all that, I hopped on the t-mill and did my run. It called for medium intensity so I took it nice and easy, and felt great. Looking forward to tomorrow already
before the gym - egg wrap and berries |
When I was leaving the gym I was craving a pineapple shake, so I made it as soon as I stepped in the door
craving satisfied :) |
I had more boring chores to get done around the house while Jake the Tool Man Taylor worked on our fence in the backyard. I will post pics of the demo tomorrow, but we've got the fence posts in on one side so they need to sit with the cement for 24 hours.
Contrary to what it sounds like, we actually got a lot accomplished this weekend. We finished getting all the supplies for the newest family member that will be joining us soon, so I feel much more prepared.
Being that its the beginning of a new week, and that last weeks mini-goals went so well, I'm setting more for myself, with a new spring/summer dress and wedges being the reward :) I'm again going to stick with the goal of tracking
everything I eat and stick to eating clean, aka: no bowls of cereal after dinner, and A goal of losing 1.5 lbs this week. I'm getting very close to my ultimate goal weight, I've actually been flirting with it for about 4 months and I need to get serious. The thing I've realized is that, losing the weight is actually the easy part, it the maintaining part that the toughest. So if I can get down to that weight, I can focus on what I need to do to keep it there, give or take 1-2 lbs for fluctuation. I know I can do it, it will just take some focus on my part, and not eating copious amounts of cereal...
please, take some so I don't eat it all |
Well folks that's the down and dirty of my weekend. This week my company is partaking in local business Challenge Games. Larger companies in town compete each year in different events, and I signed up for two of them. Tomorrow I'm in a mile track relay with 3 of my coworkers. We each will run a lap. I haven't ran on a track since middle school, so please send me speedy vibes, or vibes that I don't make a complete ass of myself, which I will probably do anyway.
Hope everyone had a great weekend too! Have a lovely start to the week :)