Wednesday, April 18, 2012

switcharoo lunch

Happy hump day to you lovely people!  Middle of the week, we made it!  Its all downhill (in a good way) from here.  My day was good, busy, but fun.  Today mine and another department from work attended a Woman's business professionals seminar type thing.  Warning - I'm not a real professional but I play one on this blog.  It was just nice to get out of the office with some co-workers and my supervisor.  They had a bunch of different vendors selling womanly items like jewelry, makeup, candles, tampons...kidding, but they might as well have been.

  Then there was a buffet lunch and a motivational speaker.  Since there was lunch provided I had to actually "eat" my lunch instead of drink it.  I always get a little stressed when I go somewhere where I don't know what the food will be.  It was ok, but not that great for you.  I didn't take a pic cause I forgot my camera didn't want to be the weirdo taking pics of food, but I will fill you in on the eats below...

And now for this important announcement...
Workout: Day 18 LiveFit - Legs

Another leg day.  I increased my weights from my last leg day.  It felt good to really push myself.  I do need to concentrate more on taking my time.  I sometimes find myself going through each exercise really fast, and I know that lifting slower is better, so I gotta work on that.  Tomorrow is my last gym day and then I get 2 days off.  I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully the weather will be nice so I can go for a run or get out on the ol' bicycle

Miso hungry!
bkfst egg white wrap & naner

snack before the conference = cinn. protein bars & apple

Lunch =  The thing  about real life is that you can't always control everything.  Like I said, I always get a little stressed when this happens, especially when it comes to food.  At the conference there was a buffet of food, and the healthy choices were very limited, but I did my best. I started with a small salad with black olives, and cucumber.  The dressing choices were awful, so I took about a tbsp of an Italian cause the rest were a creamy based and full of fat.  They had sandwich options, either smoked chicken salad, tuna salad, or chicken cashew salad.  They all seemed to be mayo-based, but the smoked chix looked the "lightest", so i took an equivalent to about 1/4c. of that on a white dinner roll (they didn't even have whole wheat!), then took a bunch of carrot and celery sticks, and orange, and a cup of soup.  The soup was a chicken barley.  It was a broth based so it wasn't as bad as a cream based, but I'm sure it was loaded with sodium :(  All in all, it was ok, I was pretty happy though that I was able to make smart choices given the situation.  I think that's important to remember, even when you can't control your environment, you can control your choices, and it all about making smart ones :)

snack post gym = pineapple & cuties with a side of cat

dinner = gettin' fancy with the Shakeology! Drinking my dinner tonight :)

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Wednesday!  I'll see you all tomorrow for more exciting blog things!  Yippee!

*and can we please talk about the huge elephant in the room?  There is a new Men In Black coming out!!  Am I the only one super excited for it?!  yes?.....probably...

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