Thursday, April 19, 2012

Double yogurt Thursday!

Top of the evenin’ to ya!  How’s everyone’s Thursday shaping up?  It’s pretty gloomy and rainy here, it has been lately, makes getting my rear to the gym awfully hard.  But if I can drag my sorry arse there so can you!  There, that’s as motivating as I get, or at least that’s what I tell myself, cause If I can’t motivate myself I probably will end up laying on the gym floor instead of working out – and that wouldn’t be good for anyone…

Workout: Day 19 LiveFit – Shoulders & Abs

I’ve got to admit, I was really looking forward to this workout.  I don’t know why.  I think since my shoulders aren't super strong, yet, that I’m looking forward to that transformation the most.  So each workout that targets those muscles, the closer I’ll get.  Plus we did abs today, and I always love doing that.  As much as I’m loving this muscle building phase, I’ll say it again, I CANT WAIT until I add in cardio.  Only a week and a half left.  I’m sure I’ll be dead tired after those days, but who cares, I love it!

I also ran into this creep at the gym, I swear he follows me everywhere...
oh hey, fancy meeting you here...

 I've got 2 rest days then I'm on my last week of Phase 1, It's gone be so fast, I can hardly believe it.

The goods for the day...
brekkie was a egg white pita & pineapple

a.m. = more pineapple & 1st yogurt

when I came home for lunch I found this package, and you know how much I love a good package :)

so I made a tasty lunch with it!

p.m. = 2nd yogurt & pumpkin protein bars

Made this with dinner - never had it before and it was GOOOOD

I like when I can pronounce all the ingredients :)


 WOW, picture overload today!  Its all for you guys cause I know you love it :)  Tomorrow is Friday Friday Friday.  I'm hoping to get out for a run after work, then we've got happy hour with some of J's buddies that he runs Ragnar with.  Should be fun, I'll do my best to remember my camera.  Have a great evening friends, adios!


  1. MMMM I haven't posted for a few days.....wonder why :-) but way to bust out that shoulder workout, nothing prettier than a toned pair of shoulders and he's no creep, happen to like that guy. Have a great weekend!
